Excoecaria cochinchinensis or Chinese Croton, has colorful leaves including colors like pink, red and green. They came with different varieties of leaves from short to long, thin to thick and plain to twisted.
Chinese Croton is a subtropical shrub, which is evergreen in nature and a native plant of Southeast Asia and China and can reach the height of 1-2 meters. It requires diffused bright light and hence, the east facing window is good to contain the colors of leaves. It grows in proper draining soil, requires cold temperature and medium watering. The plant provides good looks to the indoors of the house or office because of various colors in it. It helps in treating malaria, gallbladder stones and blocked intestines, and to subside muscle, joint and nerve pain.
Chinese Croton
Excoecaria cochinchinensis or Chinese Croton, has colorful leaves including colors like pink, red and green. They came with different varieties of leaves from short to long, thin to thick and plain to twisted.
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