About Us
" We’re going to make the experience of discovering the perfect potted plants as wonderful as the plants themselves. "
– Manohar SinghFounder
In today’s world, it is quite difficult to find greenery and trees, let alone your own plants and gardens. In the compact spaces we all are living today, we find land for infrastructure, but not for trees. ‘Where is my Tree’ is an attempt to make sure that you can plant, nurture and most importantly find trees in your surroundings. It is a Non-profit organization build with the sight of making our planet greener, healthier, ecologically fit and pure to live in.
Our Vision
We laid the foundation of ‘Where is my Tree’ with the simple vision of making Earth greener and living being healthier. In the current time, when everybody is trying to earn as much as they can, there is shortage of time to even think about our mother Earth and its deteriorating condition. The state of nature is worsening day by day, and people are busy in constructing luxurious life style. We work on the unused land with the help of forecasting, research and botanist. We, with the help of modern techniques, conduct farming on the left over land, which in turn, will not only increase the total yielding capacity of the economy, but also provides fresh air and clean environment to breath in. We are driven towards nurturing suitable plants, building tree houses, and create a nature friendly atmosphere. This, on other hand, helps in generation of employment, provides a clean and free space to play in, and enhance the overall environmental state. With the forethought of building of research centers for imparting training and education to the interested fellow beings, we are planning to expand and diversify the plantation towards other farming aspects like poultry farming.
We work on the unused land with the help of forecasting, research and botanist. We, with the help of modern techniques, conductfarming on the left over land, which in turn, will not only increase the total yielding capacity of the economy, but also provides fresh air and clean environment to breath in. We are driven towards nurturing suitable plants, building tree houses, and create a nature friendly atmosphere. This, on other hand, helps in generation of employment, provides a clean and free space to play in, and
enhance the overall environmental state.
With the forethought of building of research centers for imparting training and education to the interested fellow beings, we are planning to expand and diversify the plantation towards other farming aspects like poultry farming.

Our Motto
“We are driven with a very simple motive of sustainability. We are working to make this world a better place to live in for us and for our future generations. We are working to make sure that even after a decade or so, environment is protected, healthy and clean, which is of utmost importance for the present and future generation”
We float several campaigns and activities with the help of over 10k volunteers and activists. The campaigns include plantation drive, awareness programs, cleanliness drive, sanitation programs and fun outdoor activities across several cities. We got rewards and recognition from Environmental sanitation Institute, Gandhinagar; Bihar State Water and Sanitation Mission and State Water and Sanitation Mission, Madhya Pradesh too.