

Peace Lily [Spathiphyllum Wallisii]

Original price was: ₹549.00.Current price is: ₹359.00.

Peace lily, an indoor plant that comes in with an inspiration of LIVING PEACEFULLY. This plant needs to be watered when only the top of the soil is dry and it requires medium to low light only.

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Peace lily, an indoor plant that comes in with an inspiration of LIVING PEACEFULLY. This plant needs to be watered when only the top of the soil is dry and it requires medium to low light only.
Peace Lily or Closet Plant, is a very good source of greenery and color in the indoors of the house. It is the best known cleansing plant for removing harmful toxins as per one of the reports. Peace Lily is an easy to grow plant with pretty white flowers. The best location to plant this is south or west facing doors or windows. It is deemed to bring calmness, purify air and restores the positivity. It helps in sound sleep as it is considered to be an absorbent for allergens.


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