
Boat Lily


Boat Lily, or Moses-in-the-cradle, or the Oyster Plant, or Tradescantia spathacea, has attractive foliage with purple underside of the leaves and is not fluorescent. The flowers are white with boat-like brackets, thus justifying the name.

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Boat Lily, or Moses-in-the-cradle, or the Oyster Plant, or Tradescantia spathacea, has attractive foliage with purple underside of the leaves and is not fluorescent. The flowers are white with boat-like brackets, thus justifying the name.
Boat Lily, as it commonly known as, is anative herb of South Mexico, but is mostly grown in Florida and other oceanic islands. It requires a warm and humid climate, well drained soil, and proper bright sunlight. They are drought and frost tolerant. Growing them indoors requires checking basic climate conditions so as to make them grow properly and healthy.

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