Our major concern is to find out the way to get rid of outdoor as well as indoor air pollution. The main reason is the increasing Industrialization and Urbanization. This will only be done by planting more indoor plants that definitely will add beauty to your house. Public health is a major issue due to indoor air pollution and indoor environment. Most of the people in urban areas spend more time inside as compared to outside. So, indoor plants and indoor gardening would be a better way to eradicate the emission of pollutants. It will make the indoor environment more lively and aesthetic. Aesthetic Indoor plants are one of the way to get rid of pollutants from your home.
Plant Trees
Plants are an essential part of life as they provide us food, fiber, fuel, pharmaceuticals and building materials. Moreover they are used to decorate homes from both inside and outside. In addition they are used to mark special occasions as in our culture, plants have many spiritual values. Around the world people used to grow plants in containers and keep those containers in their living rooms. Plants have been considered beneficial to people, socially, physically and mentally for thousands of years. Recently, it has been observed that working in the garden makes people feel better. It has been seen that plants are useful to solve both environmental and health problems. Now-a-days, people spend most of their lives indoors and its one of the reason of health problems and societal challenges. The lifestyle of urban people is linked with many negative influences on the health of humans.
Silver Dollar Plant: If you’re looking for drought-tolerant plants, succulents like Silver Dollar Plant are fantastic. It requires a container with good drainage like ceramic and bamboo planters. They are actually a climbing succulent so be prepared to leave a little headroom wherever you display them! A space with direct sunlight is best for them.
Money Plant: It has such a distinctive look with its round coin-like leaves and straight stems. These hardy plants grow quickly with a once-a-week watering. It thrive well in bright spaces but don’t require direct sunlight.
Jade Plant: A succulent due to its unique bush-like structure that makes it suitable to trim as a bonsai. And under the right conditions, you might even see pink flower blossoms! These plants might develop a red or yellowish tint with too much sunlight. It requires very little water in the summertime and even less in winter.
ZZ Plant: These plants grow tall and substantial to make a brilliant impression in any room. They’re easy to care for, preferring bright indirect light and small amounts of plant food.
Oxalis: False shamrock, is a houseplant native to Brazil, known for its bold and vibrant coloration that can range from violet to crimson. The included link is for the bulbs only but should sprout within a week and may even bloom into lavender flowers within 10 weeks. These look great in a light colored pot. Oxalis requires multiple hours of direct sunlight each day so they’re perfect for a sunny spot in the garden too! Like many houseplants, it isn’t good for pets to nibble on, so always exercise caution when choosing placement for display.
String of pearls: What a unique houseplant! Guests appreciate to comment on the grace of this beauty as its delicate tendrils of round beads overflow its planter. These are great for hanging or draping over a pedestal, preferably out of the reach of direct sunlight. Plant in loose cactus soil and be careful to avoid overwatering for best results.
Donkey Tail Plant: This plant is wonderfully unique flowering succulent that lends itself to unique planters. These plants enjoy bright direct light but not extreme heat. It requires regular watering in warm weather but too much watering can hurt it during its dormant winter stage.
Aloe Vera: Aloe plants are extremely easy for even the most novice green thumb to keep alive. Plant these hardy ornamentals in cactus soil and place in a bright area for best results. They also make great gifts for friends who have trouble with other plants! They look great in just about any type of container and within any type of interior. They’re just that flexible.
Pothos Plant: Pothos is an overwhelmingly popular houseplant for good reason. Its other nickname of “devil’s ivy” comes from its hardiness and the perception that it is nearly impossible to kill. The vines can grow almost impossibly long, making them a great choice for suspension from tall ceilings. Consider this plant if you need something for low or indirect light conditions. Water when dry.
Philodendron: Here’s another houseplant beloved for its true hardiness. It works well as a hanging plant or you can add a trellis and enjoy its potential as a climber. Avoid full sun and keep soil very lightly moistened to see it thrive. Once your plant starts getting unwieldy, you can propagate cuttings to give as gifts to friends.
Peace Lily: Sometimes flowering plants prove the most challenging to keep healthy, but few lilies are not the same. Peace lilies are forgiving plants but seem to do best in indirect sunlight with access to shade. Wait to water the plant until you notice a bit of drooping in the leaves for best results. These plants need reliable drainage. Consider planting in a simple pot to let the beautiful flowers take center stage.
Areca Palm: Commonly known as golden cane palm, makes a lovely focal point with its height and playful fronds. These plants enjoy indirect sunlight or partial shade, preferably in a well-drained planter filled with loamy soil. If you tend to overwater plants, this species will prove rather forgiving. Keep the soil moist but avoid muddiness. A little nibbling won’t hurt cats or dogs so pet owners can rest easily with this one.
Rubber Plant: Rubber plants love bright indirect sunlight, moist soil, and high humidity. The waxy leaves really catch the light for a beautiful presentation. These trees – also known by their proper name of Ficus elastica. It tends to grow quite tall unless pruned so they’re a great candidate for beautiful spacious planters.