High-Density planting is a method of heavily Planting plants with plant populations more than the optimum to get high productivity in terms of quality and yield by manipulating the tree architecture and planting systems.
HDP is defined as planting at a density in excess of that which gives maximum growth and productivity crop yield at maturity.
High-Density Plant System
High-Density Farming improves crop yield without increasing the space required for planting. This is one of the improved function technology to achieve the objectives of enhanced productivity in the Indian Fruit Industry. As we know India is the largest producer of fruits in the world
The National Horticulture and livestock project introduced this concept, this strategy and modern technique mean greater crop diversification and better incomes for farmers. Farmers who do not have sufficient land for farming can make a living from farming with this technology.
Its aim is to achieve the twin requisites of productivity by Maintaining a balance between vegetative and reproductive load without impairing the plant health. the Adoption of a high-density planting system is revolutionizing fruit growing over much of the world and have a significant effect on the Horticulture Industry.
HDP was first developed in Europe during the 1960s for apple orchards. Now This technology is in practice for the cultivation of apples, peaches, pears, Almonds, etc. this high-density planting also popularize at commercial scales in India.

Key Features of High-Density Plant System
The HDP system can be with one species or with various species of crops. The mono species especially in HDP comprises the planting of small trees heavily, restricting the growth of crops by using Dwarfing rootstocks, Bio regulators, or other horticulture techniques.
In the Multispecies HDP, the interception of incident solar radiation at different tiers by canopies of various species based on their light transmission characteristics and shade tolerance is exploited.

Important Principles & Components of HDP in agriculture:
- Principles
- Obtaining Maximum Productivity through planting more fruit trees per unit area
- Optimizing the use of vertical and horizontal space
- Optimizing the exploitation of natural resources like land, air, Solar energy, and water
- Higher yield quality of fruits
- Components
- Selection of High yielding Dwarf Scion Varieties responsive to training & pruning
- Propagation on Dwarfing rootstocks and inner stocks
- Proper Training and pruning of fruit trees
- Use of proper plant growth regulators
- Proper control measures for diseases and pests
- Suitable agro-techniques and other orchards management practices