What is Drip Irrigation?
Drip Irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops, which delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant’s root zone, in equal measures and at the right time. Hence, each and every plant gets the exact quantity of what the plants are required and when they need to grow optimally.
With the help of this technology, farmers can now produce higher yields while saving on water as well as organic fertilizers, energy, and crop protection products.
Drip Irrigation has more commonly used in commercial nursery and farm operations. Drip irrigation is 90% efficient in allowing plants to use the water applied, it reduces runoff and evaporation. This technology involves the water slowly at the plant root zone where it is needed most. Now Homeowners are starting to take advantage of drip irrigation. They can use this technology in agriculture of vegetable and perennial gardens, and to water trees and shrubs.
Benefits of Drip Irrigation in Agriculture:
this involves placing tubing with emitters on the ground alongside the plants. The benefits are as follows:
- It helps by minimizing water contact with the leaves, stems, and fruit of the plant to prevent diseases.
- Drip Irrigation also helps to improve access and reduces weed growth to allow the rows between plants to dry.
- This system is very efficient It saves time, money, and water resources.
- Decrease manpower
- Helps to nutrients below the root zone and reduces the leaching of water.
How Does Drip it work?
All over the years, in the Agriculture sector, there have been a number of technological development in the irrigation field. Drip irrigation is a more Water controlled irrigation method.
It will work to direct the supply of water in the root zone.
This technology is known to be the most efficient irrigation method with 95-100% water use efficiency. This is compared to sprinkler systems that have 80-85% water use efficiency.
Under this technology water and nutrients are delivered across the field in pipes known as dripper lines, featuring a smaller unit known as a dripper.
Drip emitter which releases water in a slow and steady. Drip emitters are connected to the water source by a feeder hose. Each dripper emits drops containing water and fertilizers a uniform application of water and nutrient directed to each plant’s root zone.